‘Ezer Life

  • If you see what you believe is a trafficked child or suspect a child is being groomed for trafficking, 
  • Call 911 if that child is in immediate danger.
  • The National Human Trafficking Hotline is 888-373-7888.
  • The growth rate of human trafficking is outpacing all other forms of illegal activity.
  • 80% of the kids trafficked in the US are American children.
  • The average age of kids entering  sex trafficking in Arizona is 13.
  • Romeo Pimps use Vault Apps, which look like a calculator, but are set up if a predetermined code is typed into the calculator keypad, the vault unlocks and the secret contents are available. These contents include, media such as photos or files, contacts, passwords, internet browsing, etc. This is how a Romeo Pimp is able to communicate and blackmail children without their parents knowledge.



Legislative Changes

Healing  and  Empowerment


‘Ezer Life will hold awareness meeting through out Arizona to alert parents and professionals to the sex-trafficking statistics and danger in Arizona. We will have expert speakers who work and serve in prevention of Sex-Trafficking and testimonials of sex-trafficked survivors.  Please see our Events page to see current meetings scheduled.


‘Ezer Life is working with other organizations to help bring curriculum into the schools to teach teachers and students of the ways Romeo and Guerilla Traffickers groom young children for sex trafficking


‘Ezer Life is coordinating with organizations to discover necessary changes to prosecute the sex trafficker and the client of sex trafficking and laws to  protect those forcefully trafficked. Many years the victims of trafficking have been identified as voluntarily selling themselves for money. The truth of the situation is Gorilla Pimps control almost entirely through physical violence and force.  Romeo Pimps through psychological manipulation force trafficked victims into a life of utter hell. There are many laws that can be changed to protect the vulnerable and prosecute the perpetrators.


‘Ezer Life, Healing and Empowerment will be two programs that work together.  These  programs will invest in women who are survivors of the horrific sex trafficking industry. ‘Ezer Life will have several prongs, Awareness, Prevention, Legislative changes, Healing and Recovery. The ‘Ezer Life, Healing and Recovery Programs will be much like our Signature Program in its relational nature. These program will bring healing and empowerment to our clients. We will bring our clients understanding of their talents, gifts, strengths and natural personalities. How to put all those together to operate in their fullest potential.